Construction Industry | Gauteng, South Africa
MLS CONSULTANT has been part of Jobomas since September 2021

Who we are

Generally speaking, sales force management aims to promote the total .
Satisfaction of your customer portfolio. This concept includes all the .
Employees of an organisation who focus on achieving this goal.  .

since this is not an easy goal to achieve, the professionals making .
Up the sales management team have to be passionate and motivated, in .
Addition to possessing a deep understanding of the company they work .
For.  .

therefore, even in the face of such a challenging situation as the .
One we are currently in, customers are more demanding and better .
Informed than ever, sparing no efforts to fulfil their objectives.  .

in this context, it is worth mentioning that sales management .
Includes an engaging aspect and a holistic perspective. In other words, .
The sales force structure is based on a commitment to the company's .
Results, not just on individual success. .

this is precisely why one of the most striking characteristics of companies with good sales force management is that they reduce the differences in performance among the various employees in a team. .

it is also important to point out that today, sales force management .
Consists not only of the sales team, but also the marketing department. .
Thus, both teams have to join forces to win and retain customers.


Construction Industry


83 boquet street rossetenville
Gauteng, South Africa.

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